Great Exercise to Shape your Belly, Butt and Thighs!

Do you want to shape your belly, butt, and thighs? Just learn with the complete wall workout routine.

The newest way to shape up your belly, butt, and thighs without stressing your joints: Flip your workout upside down! These five ballet-inspired moves use one piece of equipment you're sure to have in your home—a wall to gently increase your flexibility and range of motion. The result: You'll isolate the tough to reach muscles that pull in your belly, lift your backside, and trim your thighs. The perfect complement to weight-bearing exercises such as walking, inverted moves use gravity to naturally boost circulation and provide an instant energizing rush. They also give your knees and hips a break from the pounding of upright life.
The Expert: Ellen Barrett, certified personal trainer, Pilates expert, and star of Prevention's Flat Belly Diet Workout DVDs (available at developed this routine).

Workout at a Glance

What you need: Open wall space (4 to 6 feet) and a mat. Resistance band is optional.
How to do it: Perform the routine barefoot 4 or 5 times a week. Do 10 slow, controlled reps of each move. Start with the Main Move. If that's too difficult, do the Make it Easier variation. Not challenging enough? Try the Make it Harder version.
For faster results: Do 2 sets of each exercise and add 30 minutes or more of cardio most days of the week.
Article and exercise from
Lie on back with butt against wall, arms at sides, knees bent, and feet planted 3 to 4 feet up wall. Exhale and peel lower and mid back off floor, keeping shoulder blades down, so body forms a nearly straight line from chest to knees. Hold for a deep inhale, then exhale and slowly roll back down.
MAKE IT HARDERCross right ankle over left knee so only left foot is on wall, then roll up, pause, and lower. Do the full number of reps, then switch feet.
MAKE IT EASIERDon't use the wall. Keep feet flat on floor as you lift into a bridge; pause and slowly lower.
Happy Exercising!


"Rebounders are small, circular trampolines used indoors for exercise. The standard-sized rebounder has a diameter of 40 inches with a protective covering on top of 5-inch springs around the edge. Some rebounders have a built-in handle to hold onto while bouncing. This helps control balance when first using the apparatus. The rebounder surface is a stretchy trampoline rubber. This allows you to bounce for exercise in the same manner as you would using a large trampoline. Rebounders offer a low-impact exercise that works the legs and helps improve balance. Begin using the rebounder by stepping onto the trampoline surface and bouncing lightly so your feet stay on the surface. Hold onto the built-in bar or a person to control balance. Use the rebounder to walk in place in a bouncing motion for five minutes at a time. Gradually increase the duration as you become comfortable with the exercise. Add to the intensity of the workout by jogging on the rebounder as your fitness increases. Performing high knee lifts while bouncing on the rebounder is another movement that increases the intensity of the exercise. According to, rebounder exercises create G-forces that affect all the cells of the body. This helps improve muscle strength, as well as circulation, coordination and balance. Rebounding is an aerobic activity that gives the same benefits of walking and jogging without harshly impacting the feet, knees and legs. Using the rebounder five times a week for 30 minutes each time helps burn calories and improves cardiovascular health and blood circulation through the body. Considerations Warm up the leg muscles before each workout by bouncing lightly on the rebounder for three to five minutes. Walking in place or on a treadmill is another warm up option. Cool down the body slowly after each rebounder workout by repeating the same movements from the warm up. Consult your physician before using a rebounder for exercise. The physician will verify that you do not have any medical conditions that rebounding might aggravate." Courtesy of

I will have more information about rebounding. I do it and it's wonderful and amazing! Have a good week my friends. See you shortly.

The Best And Simplest Exercise to Lose Weight

improve your health, stay fit, get your body moving, ideas

The easiest plan to a fit body begins with the easiest exercise: Walking

Every get-fit plan should start with a basic 30-minute daily walk for 30 days. It will prime your
body for the muscle-toning and stamina-building exercises you need in order to go from couch potato
to hot tamale. Chet or skip this simplestep and you run the risk of injuring yourself and falling off
the fitness wagon.

First things First

According to RealAge experpert Mehmet Oz, MD, an out-of-shape muscle is deficient in two things' tiny
powerhouse factories (called mitochondria) that generate juice for your workouts, and contractile
proteins that give the muscle strength. And walking for 30 minutes a day--or for 10 minutes three times a day
--for a month repleanishes mitochondria and contractile proteins, so your body will be ready and able
to build on your fitness routine.

When you are ready to expand your exercise:

After 30 days of walking, add 10 minutes of resistance training, focusing on the large muscle groups of
your body (back, abs, quads, glutes, shoulders and harmstrings) every other day.

The next month add another 10 minutes of resistance training, hitting your remaining muscle groups
(chest, shoulders, and arms) every other day.

Congratulations! After 90 days, you'll be ready to bust out your cutest workout gear and showcase your
skills in Salsa Step or Morning Muscle Up class. Add 21 minutes of stamina-building exercise to your
routine three times a week.

Courtesy of from Dr. Oz

More to come stay tuned. Thanks for stopping by.

The Shortest Exercise Daily Program that Can Benefit You!

Watch this video and learn how in 4 minutes you can achieve a long exercise program. It was developed by a japanese scientist. Happy exercising!

Burns as many calories as a 40-60 minutes run. - Makes your body adapt and improve very quickly. - Increases metabolism for next 36 hrs - Takes only FOUR minutes, no excuses. 0:00 - Squat Thrust 0:20 - Rest 0:30 - Mountain Climbers 0:50 - Rest 1:00 - High knees 1:20 - Rest 1:30 - Jumping Jacks 1:50 - Rest 2:00 - Squat Thrust 2:20 - Rest 2:30 - Mountain Climbers 2:50 - Rest 3:00 - High Knees 3:20 - Rest 3:30 - Jumping Jacks 3:50 - Rest 4:00 - DONE !

Something Nice for the Hot Days

We are so close to Memorial Day. It's been pretty hot so far. We went from Winter to Summer. I'm sure some of you would appreciate a nice cool fruit salad. I will include also a vegetable salad.

My favorite salad which I have always made is as follows:

Cut up orange sections, strawberries, pineapple small chunks, mango chunks, banana slices, apples in slices,  place it in a large bowl. Make natural orange juice, when is cold pour it over the fruit. It is very nice when it's hot.

You don't want to cook then just make a nice salad. Of course add more than the picture shows. Enjoy!

Take cherry tomatoes cut them in pieces, celery in small pieces, you want a colorful salad, cut romaine lettuce, avocado cut it in slices and leave it for last to garnish your salad, whether you want black or green olives, cut them in pieces too, also cut some cucumbers in slices. You want some protein add feta cheese and some walnuts. Use olive oil, lemon and salt, or if you rather use vinaigrette. Be creative, use all the colors you want, combinations and make a great salad!